Environmental impacts of macroeconomic and sectoral policies

Environmental impacts of macroeconomic and sectoral policies - Washington, D.C. : World Bank ; c1996. - vi, 337 p. : illustrations

1. An Overview of the Environmental Impacts of Macroeconomic and Sectoral Policies / Mohan Munasinghe --
2. The Environmental Impact of Economywide Policies: Some Recent Evidence / Mohan Munasinghe, Wilfrido Cruz and Jeremy Warford --
3. Environmental Impacts of Structural Adjustment Programs: Synthesis and Recommendations / Theodore Panayotou and Kurt Hupe --
4. Development Strategy, Macroeconomic Policies, and the Environment / William Postigo --
5. Macroeconomic Policies, Second-best Theory, and the Environment / Karl-Goran Maler and Mohan Munasinghe --
6. Environmental Impacts of Structural Adjustment: The Social Dimension / David Reed --
7. Policy Issues in International Trade and the Environment with Special Reference to Agriculture / Nico Heerink, Arie Kuyvenhoven and Futian Qu --
8. Energy Sector Policy and the Environment: A Case Study of Sri Lanka / Peter Meier, Mohan Munasinghe and Tilak Siyambalapitiya. 9. Agricultural Modernization and Resource Deterioration in Latin America / Jorge Torres --
10. Environmental Impact of Governmental Policies and External Shocks in Botswana: A CGE Modeling Approach / Lena Unemo --
11. Economywide Policies and Deforestation: The Case of Costa Rica / Annika Persson and Mohan Munasinghe.

Environmental Impacts of Macroeconomic and Sectoral Policies [Paperback]

0821332252 9780821332252

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