
David Begg,

Economics - 2nd edition - McGraw-Hill, London : ©1987. - xx, 770 pages : illustrations ;

Includes index

An introduction to economics and the economy --
The tools of economic analysis --
Demand, Supply, and the market --
The effect of price and income on demand quantities --
The theory of consumer choice --
Output supply by firms: revenue and cost --
Developing the theory of supply: costs and production --
Perfect competition and pure monopoly: The limiting cases of market structure --
market structure and imperfect competition --
The analysis of factor markets: Labour --
Human capital, discrimination, and trade unions --
Capital and land: completing the analysis of factor markets --
Coping with risk in economic life --
Introduction to welfare economics --
Taxes and public spending: the Government and resource allocation --
Competition policy and industrial policy --
Nationalization and privatization --
General equilibrium and welfare economics --
Introduction to Macroeconomics and National income accounting --
The Determination of national income --
Aggregate demand, fiscal policy, and foreign trade --
Money and modern banking --
Central banking and the monetary system --
monetary and fiscal policy in a closed economy --
Aggregate supply, the price level, and the speed of adjustment --
unemployment --
Inflation --
Open economy Macroeconomics --
Long-term growth and short-term fluctuations --
macroeconomics: Where do we stand? --
international trade and commercial policy --
The International monetary systemand international finance --
Problems of developing countries in the world economy.

Contains chapter overview and outline, learning objectives, key concept review, helpful hints, multiple choice questions and problem solving questions

9780070841680 0070841683


330 / BEG

© University of Vavuniya
