Principles of information systems management

Ward, John

Principles of information systems management - London ; New York : Routledge, 1995. - xv, 267 pages : illustrations ; - Routledge series in the principles of management. .

Includes index

1. The evolution of information systems: a management perspective --
2. Issues in information systems management --
3. Developing a strategic approach to information systems management --
4. Identifying the information systems needs for a business --
5. Managing the portfolio of applications --
6. Managing the development of information systems --
7. Managing information systems resources: information and technology --
8. Managing information systems resources: people, organisation and administration --
9. Summary and discussion of implications for the management of information systems.

The development of new technologies and information systems means that all managers need to be aware of the potential these hold for their business. John Ward leads the readers through the processes for identifying information needs and uses, etc.

9780415072670 0415072670

Information technology -- Management.

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