Lectures on Physics: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter - Vol 2
Feynman, Richard P.
Lectures on Physics: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter - Vol 2 - New Delhi: Narosa Pub., 1964. - xxvi, 667pp-1396p
Annexed Index
Table of contents electromagnetism differential calculus of vector fields vector integral calculus electrostatics application of gauss' law the electric field in various circumstances the electric field in various circumstances (continued) electrostatic energy electricity in the atmosphere dielectrics inside dielectrics electrostatic analogs magnetostatics the magnetic field in various situations the vector potential induced currents the laws of induction the maxwell equations the principle of least action solutions of maxwell's equations in free space solutions of maxwell's equations with currents and charges ac circuits cavity resonators waveguides electrodynamics in relativistic notation lorentz transformations of the fields field energy and field momentum electromagnetic mass the motion of charges in electric and magnetic fields the internal geometry of crystals tensors refractive index of dense materials reflection from surfaces the magnetism of matter paramagnetism and magnetic resonance ferromagnetism magnetic materials elasticity elastic materials the flow of dry water the flow of wet water curved space.
9788185015835 818501583X
530 / FEY
Lectures on Physics: Mainly Electromagnetism and Matter - Vol 2 - New Delhi: Narosa Pub., 1964. - xxvi, 667pp-1396p
Annexed Index
Table of contents electromagnetism differential calculus of vector fields vector integral calculus electrostatics application of gauss' law the electric field in various circumstances the electric field in various circumstances (continued) electrostatic energy electricity in the atmosphere dielectrics inside dielectrics electrostatic analogs magnetostatics the magnetic field in various situations the vector potential induced currents the laws of induction the maxwell equations the principle of least action solutions of maxwell's equations in free space solutions of maxwell's equations with currents and charges ac circuits cavity resonators waveguides electrodynamics in relativistic notation lorentz transformations of the fields field energy and field momentum electromagnetic mass the motion of charges in electric and magnetic fields the internal geometry of crystals tensors refractive index of dense materials reflection from surfaces the magnetism of matter paramagnetism and magnetic resonance ferromagnetism magnetic materials elasticity elastic materials the flow of dry water the flow of wet water curved space.
9788185015835 818501583X
530 / FEY