Environmental services of agroforestry systems

Environmental services of agroforestry systems - - Binghamton, NY : Food Products Press, ©2005. - xv, 126 p. : illustrations.

Included index

* Preface (Florencia Montagnini) * Soil Carbon Sequestration in Natural and Managed Tropical Forest Ecosystems (R. Lal) * Carbon Sequestration in Pastures, Silvo-Pastoral Systems and Forests in Four Regions of the American Tropics (Maria Cristina Amezquita, Muhammad Ibrahim, Tangaxuhan Llanderal, Peter Buurman, and Edgar Amezquita) * Environmental Services of Native Tree Plantations and Agroforestry Systems in Central America (Florencia Montagnini, Daniela Cusack, Bryan Petit, and Markku Kanninen) * Carbon Sequestration in Rural Communities: Is It Worth the Effort? (Jens B. Aune, Alene T. Alemu, and Kamala P. Gautam) * Shade Coffee Agro-Ecosystems in Mexico: A Synopsis of the Environmental Services and Socio-Economic Considerations (Sarah Davidson) * A Review of Trees and Shrubs in the Agroforestry Systems of Costa Rica (Alvaro Redondo Brenes) * Index * Reference Notes Included

Addressing several global concerns, this book features a collection of presentations on biodiversity and climate change, from the First World Congress in Agroforestry. It is useful for researchers and scientists, as well professionals in agroforestry, forestry, global change, climate change, and environmental studies, educators, and students

9781560221319 1560221313 1560221305 9781560221302

Agroforestry systems.
Systèmes agroforestiers.

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© University of Vavuniya
