International Economics: Theory and Policy

Krugman,Paul R.

International Economics: Theory and Policy - 6th Ed. - Boston : Addison Wesley, ©2003. - xxix, 754 pages : color illustrations, maps ; - Addison-Wesley series in economics. .

Includes index

Introduction --Labor productivity and comparative advantage: The Ricardian model --
Specific factors and income distribution --
Resources and trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin model --
The standard trade model --
Economies of scale, imperfect competitions, and international trade --
International factor movements --
The instruments of trade policy --
The political economy of trade policy --
Trade policy in developing countries --
Controversies in trade policy --
National income accounting and the balance of payments --
Exchange rates and the foreign exchange markets: an asset approach --
Money, interest rates, and exchange rates --
Price levels and the exchange rate in the long run --
Output and the exchange rate in the short run --
Fixed exchange rates and foreign exchange intervention --
The international monetary system, 1870-1973 --
Macroeconomic policy and coordination under floating exchange rates --
Optimum currency areas and the European experience --
The Global capital market: Performance and policy problems --
Developing countries: growth, crisis, and reform.

Both the real trade portion of this book and the monetary portion are divided into a core of chapters focused on theory, followed by chapters applying the theory to major policy questions, past and current. The Sixth Edition has been heavily revised to reflect the changes of today's global economic landscape.

9780201770377 0201770377 9780321116390 0321116399

International economic relations.

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