Money and banking

Narayanan Nadar, E

Money and banking - New Delhi: PHI Learning, 2013. - xviii, 317 pages :

Includes Bibliography index.

Intended for undergraduate students of economics, commerce and management, this book discusses the concepts and functions of monetary and banking systems. It also incorporates the recent trends and developments in the fields of money and banking. The book is divided into twenty-seven chapters under two parts: Part I on Money discusses evolution, nature, value, role and significance of money; monetary standards; monetary theories; and analysis of interest rates, inflation and deflation. It also describes trade cycles; money, capital and stock markets; and monetary policy. Part II on Banking discusses evolution, structure and systems of banking, functions, credit creation process, balance sheet, investment policy and nationalisation of commercial banks. It describes structure, management, functions and role of SBI and RBI in economic development. It also dwells on India's lead bank scheme, credit control methods and central banking systems in India, the UK and the USA. The book concludes with a discussion on international financial institutions such as IMF and IBRD. The text is supported with examples, tables and figures. Chapter-end multiple choice questions and review questions are also provided. Besides undergraduate students, this book will also be useful to postgraduate students of economics, commerce and management.

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