Database management systems /

Ramakrishnan, Raghu.

Database management systems / - 3rd ed. - New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, c2003. - xxxii, 1065 p. : ill. ;

Indian reprint

Part I: Foundations. Overview of database systems ; Introduction to database design ; The relational model ; Relational algebra and calculus ; SQL : queries, constraints, triggers --
Part II: Application development. Database application development ; Internet applications --
Part II: Storage and indexing. Overview of storage and indexing ; Storing data : disks and files ; Tree-structured indexing ; Hash-based indexing --
Part IV: Query evaluation. Overview of query evaluation ; External sorting ; Evaluating relational operators ; A typical relational query optimizer --
Part V: Transaction management. Overview of transaction management ; Concurrency control ; Crash recovery --
Part VI: Database design and tuning. Schema refinement and normal forms ; Physical database design and tuning ; Security and authorization --
Part VII: Additional topics. Parallel and distributed databases ; Object-database systems ; Deductive databases ; Data warehousing and decision support ; Data mining ; Information retrieval and XML data ; Spatial data management ; Further reading ; The minibase software.

Explaining the fundamentals of database systems, this work includes applications and examples of database systems, including SQL and Oracle examples. It contains overview chapters at the beginning which make it possible to skip other chapters. Instructors can opt between teaching database application development or database systems issues.

9780072465631 9789339213114 9339213114

Database management.

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