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PART 1. ELEMENTS OF ARGUMENT 1. Exploring the Nature of Argument: The Declaration of Independence; Thurow, Why Women Are Paid Less Than Men-Exercise: Evaluating the Logic of Arguments: Stanley S. Scott, Smokers Get a Raw Deal 2. Reading and Responding to Arguments: Michael Korda, How to Be a Leader; Exercise: A. M. Rosenthal, Politicians of Silence 3. Preparing Good Arguments: Side of a Loaded Issue; Herbert J. Gans, So Student Essay, Gun Control: One Much for the Underclass'?; Student Essay, If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Don't Say Anything PART 2. ARGUMENTS FOR ANALYSIS 4. Debating Education Issues: What Are the Problems? What are the Solutions?: Diane Ravitch, Back to Basics: Test Scores Don't Lie; Richard Lynn, Why Johnny Can't Read, but Yoshio Can; Nathan Caplan, Marcella H. Choy and John K. Whitmore, Indochinese Refugee Families and Academic Achievement; Daniel J. Singal, The Other Crisis in American Education; Charles Fowler, The Case for Music Education; James A. Banks, Multicultural Education: For Freedom's Sake; Albert Shanker, The Pitfalls of Multicultural Education 5. Examining the Arguments for - and against - Censorship: John Stewart Mill, On Liberty; Irving Kristol, Pornography, obscenity, and the Case for Censorship; John J. Conley, S.J., The Public and Its Art; James L. Laney, Why Tolerate Campus Bigots'; Robert O'Neil, Colleges Should Seek Educational Alternatives to Rules That Override the Historic Guarantees of Free Speech 6. Coping with Crime and Violence: Ellen Goodman, A Murder in Boston; Richard Cohen, Crimes of Dispassion; Charles Krautharnmer, Legalise? No. Deglamorize.; Edward Abbey, The Right to Arms; Josh Sugarmann, The NRA is Right, but We Still Need to Ban Handguns; Anthony G. Amsterdam, Race and the Death Penalty; Ernest van den Haag, The ultimate Punishment: A Defense; Hugo Adam Bedau, Death is Different 7. Exploring the Ethics and Politics of Today's Health Issues: Ellen Goodman, Away from Absolutism; George F. Will, Tobacco Road; Jessica Tuchman Mathews, Life and Death: US. Population Policy; Charles Krauthammer, Who Is Spreading AIDS?; Peter A. Singer and Mark Seigler, Euthanasia - A Critique; Sidney Hook, In Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia; Harry Johnson, Health Care: Fire Out of Control; Thomas Bodenheimer, The Way to Real Health Security; Caspar W. Weinberger, Health Care for All Without Government Control 8. Looking at American Society: Conflicts of Gender, Class and Race: Alexis de Tocqueville, from Democracy in America; Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Declaration of Sentiments; Michael Hughes and Walter R. Grove, Playing Dumb; Patricia Schroeder, A Case for the Military Freedom Act; David H. Hackworth, The Case for the Military Gay Ban; Elaine H. Kim, The Armed in Self-Defense; Lance Morrow, Vidoe Warriers in Los Angeles; Andrew Hacker, The Myths of Racial Division; Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., The Disuniting of America 9. Dividing the Pie: Economics and Community: |